
Can we ever be certain of what we know?

“what men really want is not knowledge but certainty”

I think men don’t really care about knowing thins but they just want to be able to seem smart, to be sure that they have the power and know what is going on and that what they think is right. I also think that knowing things makes us feel save, and if we had all this questions in our mind we would feel more vulnerable.

Confirmation Bias: looking in favor at information that confirms your beliefs

I think this concept is very important because it supports the idea that everyone has a different truth for themselves. It is important to be open minded and try to have no bias, because then we might be negating something that is true. The best example for confirmation bias would be the horoscopes, if i read that I will have a good day and meet someone special, that day I will be looking for this things, and if any of this happen i would then confirm that horoscopes say the truth. But if i dont, i would not take it into account because it goes against what I think, or want to believe

See Think Wonder Art: Napoleon

What do you see? A big white horse in a mountain that is jumping with napoleon on top looking right at us, with his right hand up pointing up, the very cloudy day but the light points directly into napoleon. A wheel from the camp working

What do you think about that? I think it shows a lot of power, makes Napoleon like  a big leader that knows which direction people should go and is capable to lead the, makes us look up at Napoleon

What does it make you wonder?  Where is Napoleon going? Is he going to a battle of coming from one he won? What does is say in the rocks in the left corner? Why is the horse jumping? What is the orange cloth he is holding?

The picture described here and the second one are very different. One depicts Napoleon as a hero that can overcome anything, but the second one gives a kind of more truth version, since it probably was very cold and soldiers were very tired. This makes me think of emotional truth, and how maybe sometimes what we say is not exactly the truth, but how it expresses an emotional truth, like in the book The Thinks They Carry in english class, where the soldier describes events that did not necessarily happen just to make the reader undertand what war felt like. 

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